
Building Your Dream Restaurant: It’s not just about Location Location Location.

Akhilesh from Malt & Salt was invited by the Middle East Food Forum (MEFF) to present their experience and learnings about how to develop a dream restaurant.

Malt & Salt Hospitality created a detailed presentation outlining key facets to work towards developing a restaurant business. A key element highlighted by Akhilesh during the presentation was explaining the idea of not being overly fussed about only finding the best location for the restaurant but to also work very hard on all the other elements involved.

Merely having the best location does not ensure that the restaurant has the best food or the best service, which are equally important, if not more in contributing towards the success of any restaurant venture.

According to Akhilesh, a dream restaurant must comply and inculcate many aspects, which were detailed in the presentation and summarized as under:

  • Culture & Ethos
  • Passion & Drive
  • The Art & Science of building great teams
  • Managing finances effectively
  • Great food
  • Great service
  • Approachable & a highly visible location
  • Technical compliances
  • Area compliances
  • Customer demographic study & compliance
  • Financial feasibility
  • Discussing a few live case studies
  • To name only a few

The post presentation session became quite interesting with a lot of members from the audience engaging with Akhilesh to discuss finer details and various elements of developing and operating restaurants. A super session indeed!